



来源:仪器仪表网发布时间:2020.03.24 16:16:51 阅读:454

全球称重传感器制造商 Flintec与农场饲养设备专家Merry建立了新的合作伙伴关系,以创建先进的新系统来提高牲畜饲养者的生产率和利润。德国FLINTEC(富林泰克)










以MS Excel格式提供大量的统计提要数据和产量评估的可能性。


Flintec 为该项目提供了梁式称重传感器。通过与Merry的合作,Flintec将销售完整的系统,而不是像过去那样出售单个称重传感器。

Flintec董事总经理Dave Weeks表示:“这种合作关系代表着Flintec从称重传感器制造商到定制和无缝力测量解决方案的完整提供商的激动人心的发展中的又一次重大飞跃。



Flintec 为各种行业创建称重传感器和力测量解决方案。它的专业领域包括工业和农用车辆,工程师设计和制造称重传感器和应变计电子设备,用于拖拉机,挖掘机,挖掘机和伸缩叉车等设备。

Merry在为农业部门创建称重解决方案方面拥有多年经验。该公司成立于1985年,并于1990年和1998年进行了大幅扩张,并于2004年12月获得ISO 9001认证。


今年初,Flintec的德国办事处宣布与位于慕尼黑附近的Ebersberg的Noax Technologies建立了类似的合作伙伴关系,以生产一系列坚固耐用的防水触摸屏称重终端工业PC,这些PC可以在通常无法使用计算机的恶劣工业环境中工作。



• 电子设备 -接线盒,模拟放大器,数字化单元,称重指示器,远程显示器,测量仪器

• 测力传感器 -通用,耐疲劳等级,精密系列,计量级,郁金香传感器,剪切销,引伸计

• 定制解决方案 -定制称重传感器和其他解决方案,旨在应对最具挑战性的应用。



Load Cell Manufacturer Flintec Forges Partnership With Merry To Create New Farm Feeding Systems

Global load cell manufacturer Flintec has forged a new partnership with farm feeding equipment specialist Merry to create sophisticated new systems that boost livestock farmers’ productivity and profits.

Flintec has provided the load cell technology to help Merry create new systems for the latest generation of agricultural mixer feeder wagons -­ enabling farmers to mix and distribute livestock feed more accurately and effectively.

Merry’s computerised TMR (Total Mix Ratio) system helps farmers to calculate the correct levels of nutrition needed for livestock, mix the ingredients more accurately and provides a full computerised analysis of feeding results.

Farmers and their livestock nutrition advisers can then download the feed nutrition data into their PCs and statistically analyse how the improved diet has boosted the cows’ milk yields.

The system enables farmers to better control their animals’ diets by:

  • maximising milk yields
  • minimising livestock feed costs through precise mixing
  • comparing target feed mix ingredients to actually loaded ingredients
  • improving productivity
  • helping to safeguard fragile profit margins in a challenging sector
  • providing extensive statistical feed data and yield evaluation possibilities in MS Excel format.

In an industry first, Merry has provided software that enables the feed nutrition data to be downloaded on to PDAs via Bluetooth, making it faster and easier for farmers and their nutrition suppliers to analyse the figures.

Flintec has provided the beam type load cells for the project. In partnership with Merry, Flintec will be selling the complete systems, rather than simply individual load cells as it would have done in the past.

Flintec Managing Director Dave Weeks said: “This partnership represents another significant leap forward in Flintec’s exciting evolution from load cell manufacturer to complete provider of bespoke and seamless force measurement solutions.

“It is also an example of us manufacturing a really robust product. This equipment has to survive a very tough life indeed. The load cells and electronics must be able to cope with the feeders being loaded in all weathers and being transported along uneven farm tracks.”

The new partnership was forged through Flintec’s German office at Meckesheim near Heidelberg and the Merry team at Erkrath near Düsseldorf.

Flintec creates load cell and force measurement solutions for a wide range of industry sectors. Its specialisms include industrial and agricultural vehicles with engineers designing and manufacturing load cells and strain gage electronics for equipment including tractors, diggers, excavators and telehandlers.

Merry has years of experience in creating weighing solutions for the farming sector. The company was launched in 1985 and expanded significantly in 1990 and 1998, gaining ISO 9001 accreditation in December 2004.

Flintec’s project with Merry is the latest of its kind and one that is likely to be repeated in the future as the load cell manufacturer seeks out new load cell design partnerships with elite equipment suppliers across the world.

Earlier this year it was announced that the German office of Flintec had created a similar partnership with Noax Technologies at Ebersberg near Munich to produce a new range of robust waterproof touchscreen weighing terminal industrial PCs that work in harsh industrial environments where use of computers is normally impossible.

The shockproof stainless steel industrial PCs are particularly useful in the food and chemical processing sector where equipment has to be washed down thoroughly during and after use.

Flintec’s range of load cells and force measurement products includes:
• Electronics ­- junction boxes, analogue amplifiers, digitising units, weighing indicators, remote displays, measuring instruments
• Force measurement sensors -­ general purpose, fatigue rated, precision series, metrology grade, tulip transducers, shear pins, extensometer
• Customised solutions ­- bespoke load cells and other solutions designed to cope with the most challenging applications.

Contact us for more information about agricultural weighing and force measurement solutions provided by Flintec.


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