


Pro-Active Manufacturers Save Millions With Advanced Flintec Medical Load Cells

来源:仪器仪表网发布时间:2020.03.24 16:16:47 阅读:462

Specialist manufacturers who use medical load cells at the heart of their products are saving millions of dollars by bringing in technology partner Flintec early in the design process.

Increasing numbers of pro-active medical manufacturers are calling in Flintec load cell experts at the concept stage of their projects, ensuring that progress will not be constrained by existing design processes or potentially outdated technology.

This new trend represents a major change in the design process. Flintec is seeing a major upsurge in medical work as its engineers are being called on to take a much more prominent role in projects.

Flintec Managing Director David Weeks said: “Medical load cells that can carry out 2,500 precise measurements every second are the ‘brains’ in a wide range of patient-critical equipment.

“But the design process has changed dramatically. In the past, a medical equipment manufacturer would have asked a supplier such as Flintec to custom-build a high precision load cell to fit its design.

“Increasingly now, this innovation is now merely part of a much wider strategic problem-solving picture.”

Flintec’s load cell design experts are being called upon to create the electronics and software that control the load cells. The company’s customised solutions are now also extending to the extrusions, housings and mechanical engineering solutions needed to support the sophisticated load cell electronics.

Dialysis machines, infusion pumps, intelligent knee joints are just some of the applications that have benefited from the global company’s custom-designed medical load cells.

FDA approval is vitally important. When outsourcing problem-solving to technology partners, medical manufacturers must also be sure that the load cell engineers in question have an expert knowledge of the latest FDA regulations.

Frequently, Flintec’s load cell engineers are acting consultants on matters related to the impact of new FDA rules on prototypes and design concepts.

Medical load cells for hospital and other clinical devices represent the fastest growing part of Flintec’s business. Growth in the medical division is being driven by Group Head of Engineering Bruce Somerton whose background is in the medical industry, predominantly in the area of patient handling.

For more information about medical load cells from Flintec, contact us.


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